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BD中字 类型:纪录片 地区:美国  语言:未知 年代:2004  导演:George Casey 更新:2020-07-07 22:27:28 主演:Marie Edmonds Ross Stein Joshua Wurman
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来源: 云播2 云播4 迅雷1

国家地理:自然的力量剧情介绍: Volcanoes, earthquakes, and tornadoes all can cause enormous damage, and predicting where and when they will strike is of great importance. Volcanologist Dr. Marie Edmonds has devised sensors that monitor the underground activity of magma to better predict future eruptions on the Caribbean island of Monserrat, the site of the massive 1995 eruption captured for this film. Geophysicist Dr. Ross Stein studied the earthquake repair records in Istanbul's Hagia Sophia over the centuries to find clues about the history of earthquakes in Turkey. He discovers a pattern in quakes along the long North Anatolian Fault system, including the massively destructive quake at Izmit in 1999, and predicts the next earthquake just a few miles south of Istanbul. Dr. Joshua Wurman and his team chase tornados in trucks equipped with Doppler radar in an attempt to probe the interior of a tornado just as it is born.
通过优酷、土豆、搜狐视频、爱奇艺、腾讯视频、乐视、pps、pptv、cntv、西瓜影音、吉吉影音、云播等实现由George Casey导演、由Marie Edmonds,Ross Stein,Joshua Wurman等主演、2004年纪录片国家地理:自然的力量高清BDHD手机在线观看迅雷下载。【101影院www.101yingyuan.cc】高清免费在线影院欢迎你!TS、TC、CAM为枪版,TS和CAM为从电影院用手机或摄像机偷拍版本清晰度差,TC为软件或者高清摄像机翻录版本清晰度尚可;DVDscr和DVDrip为DVD转制版本,清晰度较好但分辨率偏低适合小屏幕观看;HDrip和HD为高清版、BD为蓝光版,物理分辨率都达到720p,甚至于1080p全高清,清晰度高音效好合适大屏幕欣赏。所以上面的来源中我们当然是首选国家地理:自然的力量高清BDHD版本。