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BD中字 类型:纪录片 地区:其它  语言:英语 年代:2017  导演:Emer Reynolds 更新:2020-09-25 13:57:07 主演:Frank Drake Carolyn Porco John Casani Lawrence Krauss Timothy Ferris Edward Stone Nick Sagan Larry Soderblom Charley Kohlhase Fran Bagenal James F. Bell Frank Locatell Suzanne Dodd Jon Lomberg Heidi Hammel
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来源: 云播2 云播4 迅雷1

最远的地方剧情介绍: Is it humankind's greatest achievement? 12 billion miles away a tiny spaceship is leaving our Solar System and entering the void of deep space. It is the first human-made object ever to do so. Slowly dying within its heart is a plutonium generator that will beat for perhaps another decade before the lights on Voyager finally go out. But this little craft will travel on for millions of years, carrying a Golden Record bearing recordings and images of life on Earth. In all likelihood Voyager will outlive humanity and all our creations. It could be the only thing to mark our existence. Perhaps some day an alien will find it and wonder. The story of Voyager is an epic of human achievement, personal drama and almost miraculous success. Launched 16 days apart in Autumn 1977, the twin Voyager space probes have defied all the odds, survived countless near misses and almost 40 years later continue to beam revolutionary information across unimaginable distances. With less computing power than a ...
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